sometimes when life gets a little too overwhelming and you just can’t keep up, feel stressed, behind everything, whether it is because of work, school or relationships, the best thing to do is just to pause everything and recenter yourself. breath in, breath out. take a break, this is not avoidance, see this more as a way to recharge yourself so you can get back on track.

everyone has a different approach to life and how to handle some situations. this is my recipe to slow down and get back on track when I feel overwhelmed by life.


I usually avoid taking days off because it means im less paid at the end of the month but when it comes to mental and physical health I’d rather get paid less than be in pain. especially when it’s only one day. It is usually enough to do all the things I needed to get back on track.


watch a movie, listen to music, play video games, read, journaling, the possibilities are endless. anything that brings you comfort is welcomed. I usually watch a movie or YouTube. During winter, Christmas movies is my comfort activity. it just ease me. Sometimes I might play piano or do puzzle, changes every time but it distracts me and help me let go of bad or negative thoughts.

for me: Q2HAN’s vlogs, Devil Wears Prada, NeverTooSmall, any marvel movie from phase one to phase three.


in these tormented times one might neglect itself and skip showers, skincare, brushing their teeth, etc. take time to do all of these. have a long shower, pamper yourself, cherish yourself with the most simple actions (applying cream, brushing you hair…). This also applies to your environnement. Change your bed sheets, do your laundry, change your towel. A clean house is a clean mind, cleaning and organizing might benefit you more than you think.

for me: do a full body shower routine, light candles, change my bed sheets, clean my room, do a face mask, honestly I could go on and on!


once I am in a more calm and peaceful state of mind, I take some time to acknowledge my situation and everything that makes me feel the way I do. Accepting my emotions and feelings by letting them be. Trying to accept my mistakes without beating myself up for making them and taking responsibility for my actions (wether positive of negative because they led me to this moment, now).

for me: a book that helped me a lot, L’Art Du Calme Intérieur by Eckhart Tolle (the English version here).


When feeling down or overwhelmed, one might forget the most necessary things such as eating and drinking. feed yourself as you would feed someone you love. treat yourself. maybe order your favorite meal or drink and enjoy it. really simple but it helps a lot. I usually go for bubble tea and Phở, it makes me feel at home.

for me: large vanilla or tarot flavored bubble tea & any Vietnamese dish. Also sushis is really nice, sometimes pizza, honestly I just order whatever I’m craving in the moment.


this one doesn’t work all the time. when I feel down or overwhelmed I prefer being alone to recenter and focus on me but there have been some days where I found meeting my friends really helpful and even motivating because they are in a different state of mind that I am and they help me relativize. They also might have went through the same situations that you are facing right now an could be of great advice. Also spending time with your animals. This actually might be my favorite part!

for me: really depends but might be going to get a bubble tea with them or just chilling at the house, building legos or cooking, just spending quality time together.

Of course this is a non-exhaustive list based off of my own experience and also a little reminder for myself since I am currently going through a rough patch.

In conclusion, the goal is to go back to your senses and put yourself back in a calm and peaceful state of mind so you can navigate life & your issues with more ease. Self care is really important, no matter what form it takes and you should practice it everyday! remember nothing last forever and eventually your problem will go away so leave room for you emotions and feelings and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Also would love to know how you guys calm down and re center yourself when you feel overwhelmed!!


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