Get To Know: Youjin유진

I am in the best mood today because first of all, I am back on the blog and secondly, I had the chance to interview two of my favorite youtubers, Youjin유진 and Nuria Ma, I truly can’t believe it, I am just so happy to share with you their interviews!! So today I am introducing you to Youjin (유진), a 17 year old Korean American living in the United States. She defines herself as ‘a typical high school student’ but she makes youtube videos and that’s why she is today featured on the blog!

‘I’m definitely an introvert but I do love spending time with my family and friends. I also enjoy meeting new people but I prefer being in my room watching youtube and netflix a little bit more haha’.

Her videos are fashion, food, beauty and lifestyle related and I just love how she does everything with calm and softness. If I have to use one word to describe her channel it’s definitly ‘SOFT’. It is just so nice to sit at your desk and watch her videos. So keep reading if you want to know more about Youjin!

Julie (me!!)- Can you describe your youtube channel?

Youjin- At first, I wanted to make beauty and fashion related videos because those were all the rage back then on Youtube. I wanted to become a « beauty guru. » Unfortunately, I easily lost interest while creating beauty content because I realized that they’re not what I’m the best at. Now, I mostly make casual vlogs with beauty/fashion videos once in awhile! In the future, I want to create more fashion contents and of course, create more professional, polished vlogs.

J- What prompted you to start your channel? And when?

Y- I’ve been obsessed with Youtube the moment I discovered it in 2012 as a 5th grader in elementary school. I loved that you could literally put up whatever you wanted and that you could communicate with so many people around the world! After watching Youtube for years, I made my first channel in 2014 but didn’t officially start until beginning of 2018!

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J- What/Who inspires you the most (it can be anything, from music, to art, person, photography…)

Y- I never really had a role model in my life but recently, I found a group of people that really inspire and motivate me: BTS. I know that BTS blowing up all over the world with crazy fangirls but I look up to them as role models than as a « Kpop Idol. » It’s so crazy to think about how 7 passionate people with same goals came together to push themselves above and beyond their original goals and limits. Their achievements always inspire me to use my passion to push myself and others to become THE best version of myself.


J- What are your passions in life (you are a dancer, is there anything else you love?)

Y- Yes, I am a dancer but to be honest I wouldn’t say that dance is my passion.

I’m passionate about creating.

I’m passionate about creating something that is entertaining and expressive. And dance is just one of the things that fits under that passion. My main passions right now are videography and maybe fashion because I love expressing myself through what I wear!

J- What is it like to be korean and to live in america? Do you miss Korea?

Y- I don’t think there’s anything special as a Korean living in America. I spent most of my life in America so America feels more like home to me than Korea but I do miss Korea!

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J- What do you love the most about korea? What is the best thing in Korea you don’t have in the US?

Y- I love Korea’s well developed public transportation system. I love how easy it is to travel around Korea just by taking trains, subways, or trains. I also love how Korea is small, which makes it easier to visit different towns, cities in a short period of time because it is so hard to travel in the U.S.

J- What is you current playlist?

Y- In My Feelings by Drake, Paris in the Rain & I Like Me Better by Lauv, Bbibbi by IU and Star by Vinxen!

J- How do you feel about having almost 165K followers on youtube and seeing the number growing each day? Do you interact a lot with them? What is the best part about having a community like this?

Y- It’s honestly so surreal. I’m so so thankful for every one of them. I wish I could interact with them more but I’m trying to interact with them more through youtube and instagram lives! The best part of having a community like this is that I’m always surrounded by love and support and that I’m able to use that towards making better content!

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J- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Y- I’d be 27 years old in 10 years…I hope I’m still on my Youtube grind lolol. And hopefully, I’d be settled down in a city that I love with people understand and support me no matter what!

J- What are your goals for the upcoming year?

Y- I want to take Youtube more seriously and post high quality videos consistently!

J- What are you currently studying? And where do you want to work in the future?

Y- I’m taking typical high school classes: AP Chemistry, AP calculus, US History, etc. I want to work as a freelancer/ Youtuber. I also want to own a clothing brand/business one day!

J- Who are your favorite youtubers?

Y- I love Emma Chamberlain, Hannah Meloche, Ellie Thumann, Kinda Cool, OnDo, Jenn Im, Yoo’s Beauty, Allegra Shaw, and Tatiana Ringsby!

J- Where do you dream to travel to?

Y- I’d lovee to visit Italy, Spain, Iceland, and LA and New York!

J- Do you have any project for your channel?

Y- I have more fashion contents planned for the month of November. And I plan to put up weekly vlogs in December! I’m so so excited :))

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J- And finally, your go-to beauty/skincare product?

Y- I LOVE Neutrogena’s hydroboost moisturizer and Mac lipstick in Chili. I honestly cannot live without them!

And that’s all for today’s interview, I hope you learned more about Youjin and if you haven’t seen her videos yet, check it out! 감사합니다 요진 for answering to my questions, I hope your youtube audience will grow and I truly can’t wait for your new videos to come out!


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